A Terrific Trumpet Blog

Stan Curtis
Stan Curtis playing a Baroque slide trumpet. (Photo by Elisa Koehler)

It’s Thanksgiving Weekend and I’m thankful for a terrific new trumpet blog by my brilliant colleague, Stanley Curtis (www.trumpetjourney.com). In addition to serving as a trumpeter in the U.S. Navy Band in Washington, D.C., Stan is gifted performer on both the natural trumpet and the cornetto as well as the modern Baroque trumpet with vent holes and any other member of the trumpet family, old or new. He has even performed the Haydn Trumpet Concerto on keyed trumpet. He earned a doctorate from Indiana University and was a prizewinner in the First Altenburg Baroque Trumpet Competition in 1995 in Bad Säckingen, Germany.

Stan’s blog is a reflection of his unique combination of musicianship and scholarship as well as his never-ending pursuit of excellence. It includes a comprehensive Trumpet History Timeline (complete with photos and video links), abundant educational content, and many useful links for trumpeters. For some reason, he decided to post An Interview with Elisa Koehler recently, but don’t let that stop you from checking out Stan’s fantastic blog. I will always be grateful to Stan for helping me to get started on my own journey in learning to play the natural trumpet and the cornetto several years ago. You’ll never meet a more humble, generous, and talented musician. But you should hear him play, too! Luckily, there are audio links of his fine performances on the blog. What are you waiting for? Go check out Stan’s Trumpet Journey Blog now! You’ll be glad you did.

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